You’ve been enjoying your breast implants problem-free for years. But then you start to wonder, is it time for a change? How do you know? Do you need to remove or replace them?

The good news is the technology behind breast implants has come a long way in recent years, helping them last longer and look better over time – well past twenty years for some women. Despite those advancements, however, breast implants still are not lifetime devices.

We’ve created this guide to help you understand when and why you might need to replace your breast implants:

1.     A Saline Implant Deflates

A leak in the lining or valve will cause a saline implant to deflate, typically in one to two days. The problem will be obvious, as you’ll notice one breast become smaller than the other.

If a leak occurs, you can choose to:

  • Remove both, though you’ll need to undergo a breast lift to correct sagging.
  • Replace the failed saline implant with a new one.
  • Replace both saline implants with new ones, whether the same size or larger.
  • Replace saline implants with silicone ones.

Whatever course of action you decide on, it’s important to respond to the leak promptly. Work with your cosmetic surgeon to decide what will be best for you and your body.

2.     A Silicone Implant Ruptures

A ruptured silicone implant is harder to diagnose than saline. When a silicone implant breaks, the gel often stays in the same area and keeps its volume. The first symptom of trouble you’ll likely detect is the hardening or thickening of the tissue around the implant, though you’ll need an MRI for confirmation.

If your silicone implant has ruptured, your choices are the same as with a saline implant – remove both, replace the one that failed, or change both implants at the same time.

Do you want to learn more about the differences between saline and silicone implants? Read our earlier blog to find out!

3.     Capsular Contracture Occurs

Capsular contracture happens when scar tissue forms around breast implants, causing discomfort and the hardening of the tissue. Though it happens infrequently, capsular contracture is one of the two most common reasons (alongside deflation) breast implants need to be removed or replaced. To treat capsular contracture, the affected breast implant will need to be taken out and a new one put in.

4.     You Want to Change Your Implant Size

Ultimately, you need to be happy in your own body. If you fall out of love with your breast implants – whether they’re too big or too small – it might be time for a change. Work with your cosmetic surgeon to decide what will be best for your body, restoring your shape and boosting your confidence in your own figure.

Do you want beautiful, natural-looking breasts that enhance your shape? Work with the experienced team at Brampton Cosmetic to boost your figure! Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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About Dr. Robert Sleightholm

Dr. Robert Sleightholm is one of the founders of the Brampton Cosmetic Surgery Center and Medical Spa. He is the clinic’s Director of Surgery and, since its opening in 1994, has safely and successfully completed more than 200 cosmetic surgery procedures each year. An Ontario plastic surgery veteran, he is a board-certified Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada (FRCSC).

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