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Pro-Nox in Cosmetic and Aesthetic Procedures

pro noxFrom the moment you visit our clinic for a consultation through your post-procedure recovery period, our primary purpose is to make certain you have a positive, life-changing experience while ensuring your safety and privacy.

At Brampton Cosmetic, we use a variety of techniques and products to ensure our clients feel comfortable and safe throughout their procedure – one of which is the Pro-Nox aesthetic system.

We offer Pro-Nox for a variety of our procedures, including:

Pro-Nox is a pneumatically driven gas system that’s designed to deliver a balanced mixture of 50% oxygen and 50% nitrous oxide to patients who are seeking relief from pain and anxiety within a medical setting. Pro-Nox is a patient-controlled inhaled analgesia that’s designed for in-office use only. It takes just seconds to take effect and offers quick, yet temporary effects.

Some benefits of using Pro-Nox include:

  • Safe and effective used for decades.
  • Patient-administered empowers the patient to respond to their pain and anxiety when they need it.
  • Quick onset takes effect in seconds.
  • Short duration of effect clears from body within minutes.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Pro-Nox used for?

Pro-Nox is designed to reduce anxiety and provide relief of minor to moderate pain. It does not put you to sleep or cause you to become unaware of your surroundings. It’s simply used to take the edge off and help you relax. Because the effects of Pro-Nox are only temporary, it must be regularly inhaled in order to enjoy sustained results.

What treatments can I use Pro-Nox for?

Pro-Nox can be used in a variety of settings for a variety of treatments. You’ll often see it used in dental procedures, tattoo removal, hair restoration, permanent make-up application, liposuction, or prior to surgery. In our office, we commonly use Pro-Nox for facial injections and lip injections.

Can Pro-Nox be used by everyone?

Pro-Nox is designed to be safe for adult, adolescent, and pediatric patients. The only limiting factor is the patient’s ability to use the Pro-Nox air tube and to inhale enough of the oxygen-nitrous oxide mixture to be effective. However, it’s always important to consult with your doctor or health professional before using a Pro-Nox treatment. There are some rare conditions which could render Pro-Nox less safe for certain patients.

Is Pro-Nox safe?

Pro-Nox is a pneumatically driven gas system that delivers a 50% oxygen and 50% nitrous oxide mixture. There’s no medication, chemicals, or foreign substances included. This makes it a safe, non-addictive alternative to painkillers.

How is Pro-Nox administered?

Pro-Nox is administered using a flexible plastic hose that’s connected to a comfortable mask. The oxygen-nitrous oxide mixture is inhaled through the mask. The beauty of Pro-Nox, compared to other systems, is that it’s completely self-administered by the patient. This allows the patient to choose the optimal amount and adjust according to individual needs.

What are the side effects?

How is Pro-Nox administered? There are virtually no short or long-term side effects to occasional use of properly administered Pro-Nox treatments. The oxygen in the mixture offsets any potentially harmful effects of inhaling nitrous oxide. However, prolonged or repeated exposure could lead to a vitamin B deficiency, numbness, and/or reproductive problems in pregnant women.

How long does it take to wear off?

One of the biggest benefits of a Pro-Nox treatment is that it only takes seconds to take full effect and lasts for just a few minutes. In fact, within just 10 minutes, there’s no trace of the nitrous oxide mixture in your body. This allows the patient to resume all normal activities immediately after the procedure is finished.

Will I feel anything during the procedure?

Pro-Nox is 100% safe, pain-free, and entirely self-administered. You won’t feel anything during your procedure or after. The entire Pro-Nox treatment consists of placing a mask over your mouth and breathing in air.

Should I arrange transportation for after my procedure?

You will not need to arrange transportation for after your procedure, unless you feel more comfortable doing so. Not only is Pro-Nox pain-free, but it’s also temporary. Within 10 minutes of the last treatment, there are no side effects or traces of nitrous oxide in the patient’s system. This means there are no lingering effects preventing you from performing normal activities, including driving.

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